I have been using a wool bonnet and a softer sewn buff for most of the polishing. Results have been fair but not quite up to what I was looking for which is a nice even and mostly clear shine.
I bought a harder sewn cotton wheel buff, and with Nuvite C, I was able to cut through and get closer to the shine I want.
I guess I thought the harder buff would would be too tough on the skin, but this is what I needed.
Now if I am able to get out the swirls and marks with the cyclo on the next go around I will be much more pleased with the overall look.
I also need to replace the marker lights as they are a mix of old and faded lenses, and some newer brighter non-matching ones.
Too hot out for polishing during the day now ....so I will be on a break from that work.
The ole 66 is looking a whole lot brighter and cleaner these days....more to come.